Science of Mind 2024 — a 365-day Immersion

Each day, beginning January 1, 2024, I will offer daily insights, reflections, and applications of this teaching. The book was the basis of my first ministerial training 25 years ago and still serves my practice today. Based on the book, “Science of Mind — the Definitive Edition; A Philosophy, A Faith, A Way of Life."

Click on the image above for the complete Playlist of available videos (and please like and subscribe if you enjoy the videos). A new video will be added every day and you can watch and rewatch them anytime!

Recent Events

Big Universe Podcast — Jim Lefter and Rev. Martha Creek

Rev. Martha before a gathering at Unity on the Bay in September 2023. Click on the image to watch the video.

Virtual Retreats

I am now offering virtual retreats for small groups (1–6 people) on Zoom. For details and to enroll, please email Martha at

Retreat Testimonials

Dear Martha,
My experience of doing a Martha zoom retreat was one of deep excavation on a personal level as well as learning from the other 2 participants' excavations.

Having a couple of trusted companions to share the experience, as well as this format, allowed for ways to share, learn from the other's work, as well as simulate an immersion-like experience.

Martha was quintessential Martha! Humor, stories, and probing questions. The day was centered around our requested foci. It felt more like a dance than being lead through a set program like other retreat experiences.

Even though we had to forgo Martha hugs and presence, our zoom retreat was a way to center in and dig deep. Highly recommend you asking a couple of friends to join you in a day of self discovery and enrichment.

— Jo Ann

Dearest Martha,
I want to thank you for another wonderful retreat. It was exactly what I needed. Even thought it was virtual, I felt so connected with you. It was as if you were physically with us listening to, encouraging, engaging, and holding us on our inward journeys. The three two-hour sessions flew by. Because of your compassion and thought provoking questions, I'm able to be truly vulnerable, go deep, and grow exponentially. You assist me with recognizing my many God-given gifts and motivate me to share them with the world. I'm a more authentic, confident, forgiving, gentle, loving person in all of my relationships and endeavors. I'm free to BE more and to let others BE. My heart overflows with gratitude and love for you, and I so appreciate all of your love and support on this life journey.
Continued Blessings,


What People are Saying About Martha Creek

"Martha is a spiritual conduit for peace. She ministers to the world with conscious practices, wisdom, and intuition that empowers her students with practical tools and enlightened perspective. She has given me peace of mind and calm in the storm, and an unending source of love."

Lawren Watson
"The Advantage Coach"
Speaker, Author

Martha Creek Testimonials

Lawren Watson
"The Advantage Coach"
Speaker, Author

"Martha is a spiritual conduit for peace. She ministers to the world with conscious practices, wisdom, and intuition that empowers her students with practical tools and enlightened perspective. She has given me peace of mind and calm in the storm, and an unending source of love."
“I have been working with Martha for over 11 years. I am inspired and supported through her continuous self work.The last couple of years, I have had significant breakthroughs thanks to Martha’s guidance and her own personal commitment to self realization. When I have been deeply stuck, she is the person I reach out to, to guide me back to mySELF. She doesn’t join me in my hell, but shines the light on the truth in my heart, so that I can SEE my way out! Love you!!!!”

Michelle Pruitt
Co-Founder/Board President
Uplands PEAK Sanctuary

Martha Creek Testimonials

Michelle Pruitt
Co-Founder/Board President
Uplands PEAK Sanctuary

“I have been working with Martha for over 11 years. I am inspired and supported through her continuous self work.The last couple of years, I have had significant breakthroughs thanks to Martha’s guidance and her own personal commitment to self realization. When I have been deeply stuck, she is the person I reach out to, to guide me back to mySELF. She doesn’t join me in my hell, but shines the light on the truth in my heart, so that I can SEE my way out! Love you!!!!”
"Next to God, Martha Creek may be the wisest, most wonderful teacher on the planet. I turn cartwheels in gratitude that our paths crossed. Thank you, Martha, for well, everything!!!"

Pam Grout,
#1 New York Times bestselling author of 19 books

Martha Creek Testimonials

Pam Grout,
#1 New York Times bestselling author of 19 books

"Next to God, Martha Creek may be the wisest, most wonderful teacher on the planet. I turn cartwheels in gratitude that our paths crossed. Thank you, Martha, for well, everything!!!"
"Martha is a dynamic, authentic being, living out her best, current understanding of who she is.  She serves by being open and available to everyone and provides an environment of exploration, encouraging honest and courageous participation. Love you!"

Rev. Vicki Vanderhorst,
Unity Minister Canada

Martha Creek Testimonials

Rev. Vicki Vanderhorst,
Unity Minister Canada

"Martha is a dynamic, authentic being, living out her best, current understanding of who she is.  She serves by being open and available to everyone and provides an environment of exploration, encouraging honest and courageous participation. Love you!"
"Martha is a powerful presence for quality and professionalism. She serves being audaciously sincere and forthright and she provides confidence, competence, and clarity!"

Rev. John McLean
Unity Minister

Martha Creek Testimonials

Rev. John McLean
Unity Minister

"Martha is a powerful presence for quality and professionalism. She serves being audaciously sincere and forthright and she provides confidence, competence, and clarity!"
"Martha is the best facilitator and coach you’ll ever find. She serves by living authentically everything she teaches. Her work provides you with real world tools and inner work that will transform your decisions, thought processes, relationships and the world in which you interact."
Joy Perrie
Martha Creek Testimonials
Joy Perrie
"Martha is the best facilitator and coach you’ll ever find. She serves by living authentically everything she teaches. Her work provides you with real world tools and inner work that will transform your decisions, thought processes, relationships and the world in which you interact."
"Martha is a well-known teacher, trainer and facilitator. She serves by modeling authenticity. Her works provides basic truths that are beneficial not only in your spiritual community’s leadership, but also in your personal life. I am a better minister, spiritual leader, partner, mother, daughter and friend because of my connection to Martha Creek and her teachings."

Denise Yeargin
Retired Unity Minister

Martha Creek Testimonials

Denise Yeargin
Retired Unity Minister

"Martha is a well-known teacher, trainer and facilitator. She serves by modeling authenticity. Her works provides basic truths that are beneficial not only in your spiritual community’s leadership, but also in your personal life. I am a better minister, spiritual leader, partner, mother, daughter and friend because of my connection to Martha Creek and her teachings."
"Martha has the invaluable gift of telling even hard truths with love and compassion. Her teaching, counsel and work help those she works with discover new depths of courage and wisdom. She's able to provide comfort and courage to those who need uplifting; and she'll deliver a highly effective kick in the consciousness to those who need motivating."

Rev. Kurt Condra,
Senior Minister, Unity on the North Shore

Martha Creek Testimonials

Rev. Kurt Condra,
Senior Minister, Unity on the North Shore

"Martha has the invaluable gift of telling even hard truths with love and compassion. Her teaching, counsel and work help those she works with discover new depths of courage and wisdom. She's able to provide comfort and courage to those who need uplifting; and she'll deliver a highly effective kick in the consciousness to those who need motivating."
“Martha Creek is an enlightened being and passionate speaker who engages and facilitates an honest realization of who we truly are. Profoundly real and liberating, Martha walks her talk and challenges each of us to do the same.”

Rev. Greg Coles, M.Div.

Martha Creek Testimonials

Rev. Greg Coles, M.Div.

“Martha Creek is an enlightened being and passionate speaker who engages and facilitates an honest realization of who we truly are. Profoundly real and liberating, Martha walks her talk and challenges each of us to do the same.”
“Martha's straight talk combined with sweet, southern style makes it possible for her to challenge you and make you feel glad she did. She has impacted many individual lives and congregations in a positive way. Our board found her training helpful and pleasant. She is equally comfortable with small groups or large, and no matter the setting she will be genuine, fun and worth hearing.”

Rev. Ron Fritts

Martha Creek Testimonials

Rev. Ron Fritts

“Martha's straight talk combined with sweet, southern style makes it possible for her to challenge you and make you feel glad she did. She has impacted many individual lives and congregations in a positive way. Our board found her training helpful and pleasant. She is equally comfortable with small groups or large, and no matter the setting she will be genuine, fun and worth hearing.”
“Martha Creek is a shape-shifter and shape-changer. She is a facilitator gifted with the ability to reach each individual speaking the same word and producing an infinite variety of effects. You think you are going for professional training only to find your entire personal paradigm transformed.

Her wisdom falls into the fertile field of your consciousness, and like a seed, may lie dormant for quite some time until the strong shoot of Truth is ready to break the surface. Well rooted, the growing plant-idea thrives and reaches maturity as you flower into purposeful, powerful living. Do not miss any opportunity to be with her!”

Rev. Linda Dominik

Martha Creek Testimonials

Rev. Linda Dominik

“Martha Creek is a shape-shifter and shape-changer. She is a facilitator gifted with the ability to reach each individual speaking the same word and producing an infinite variety of effects. You think you are going for professional training only to find your entire personal paradigm transformed.Her wisdom falls into the fertile field of your consciousness, and like a seed, may lie dormant for quite some time until the strong shoot of Truth is ready to break the surface. Well rooted, the growing plant-idea thrives and reaches maturity as you flower into purposeful, powerful living. Do not miss any opportunity to be with her!”
“This is to sing the praises of Martha Creek, teacher and facilitator of experience, extraordinaire. I have know Martha for nearly twenty years and as the former dean of Unity School of Religious Study, watched from the sidelines, her spiritual journey and her personal spiritual growth.

Martha is a no-nonsense, extremely expressive and articulate teacher of Truth and principle, and one who not only teaches Truth but lives what she teaches. Last year I had the opportunity to attend a group that Martha was facilitating and was "wowed" by her "command of a room", meaning the presence and sense of all is well that she brings to the moment.”

Rev. Toni G. Boehm, PhD.

Martha Creek Testimonials

Rev. Toni G. Boehm, PhD.

“This is to sing the praises of Martha Creek, teacher and facilitator of experience, extraordinaire. I have know Martha for nearly twenty years and as the former dean of Unity School of Religious Study, watched from the sidelines, her spiritual journey and her personal spiritual growth.Martha is a no-nonsense, extremely expressive and articulate teacher of Truth and principle, and one who not only teaches Truth but lives what she teaches. Last year I had the opportunity to attend a group that Martha was facilitating and was "wowed" by her "command of a room", meaning the presence and sense of all is well that she brings to the moment.”
“Martha is an excellent, engaging, and challenging trainer. She works within the Unity principles. She calls me and our board to a higher place in consciousness and into a greater functioning board. She has also taught our leadership concerning The Healthy Church Model. Martha, is loved by our leadership team and our congregation.”

Rev. Pat Williamson
Senior Minister, Unity Christ Church, Minneapolis, MN

Martha Creek Testimonials

Rev. Pat Williamson
Senior Minister, Unity Christ Church, Minneapolis, MN

“Martha is an excellent, engaging, and challenging trainer. She works within the Unity principles. She calls me and our board to a higher place in consciousness and into a greater functioning board. She has also taught our leadership concerning The Healthy Church Model. Martha, is loved by our leadership team and our congregation.”
“The stress level in Great Lakes Region's ministries has been measurably reduced since she began working with the churches here. Martha Creek has midwifed miracles in this and many other churches. She brings the work she has done on her own consciousness into a ministry and then opens the doors for each of us to do the same.”

Greg Barrett
Retired Unity Minister

Martha Creek Testimonials

Greg Barrett
Retired Unity Minister

“The stress level in Great Lakes Region's ministries has been measurably reduced since she began working with the churches here. Martha Creek has midwifed miracles in this and many other churches. She brings the work she has done on her own consciousness into a ministry and then opens the doors for each of us to do the same.”
“Rev. Martha is a rare figure in the church/spiritual center world as she is able to offer cutting-edge knowledge, timely advice, and tailored mentorship and she does it with such passion, commitment, care, and humor. She is able to balance the hard-nosed business know-how with heart-centered consulting and technical assistance. I have been made a better leader as a result of her guidance and support. Thank you Rev. Martha!”

Rev. Christina Garza
Unity of Nashville

Martha Creek Testimonials

Rev. Christina Garza
Unity of Nashville

“Rev. Martha is a rare figure in the church/spiritual center world as she is able to offer cutting-edge knowledge, timely advice, and tailored mentorship and she does it with such passion, commitment, care, and humor. She is able to balance the hard-nosed business know-how with heart-centered consulting and technical assistance. I have been made a better leader as a result of her guidance and support. Thank you Rev. Martha!”
"Martha's down home, bottom line, "what is is" way of being is a teacher to us all. Martha doesn't just own the knowledge, she is the knowledge!"

Janet Bray Attwood
New York Times Bestseller - Co-author of The Passion Test

Martha Creek Testimonials

Janet Bray Attwood
New York Times Bestseller - Co-author of The Passion Test

"Martha's down home, bottom line, "what is is" way of being is a teacher to us all. Martha doesn't just own the knowledge, she is the knowledge!"
"Martha Creek is a gentle leader/teacher with no agenda, other than her own, of course. That being kindness and compassion, unconditional love towards others. She's among that elite group of good people who happily would march off to the gallows to spare an innocent soul. She is terribly and ridiculously funny and a religious scholar to boot. I love Martha and her ability to communicate highly practical tools for joyful living."

Barbara L. Morgenstern, Esq.
Cincinnati, Ohio

Martha Creek Testimonials

Barbara L. Morgenstern, Esq.
Cincinnati, Ohio

"Martha Creek is a gentle leader/teacher with no agenda, other than her own, of course. That being kindness and compassion, unconditional love towards others. She's among that elite group of good people who happily would march off to the gallows to spare an innocent soul. She is terribly and ridiculously funny and a religious scholar to boot. I love Martha and her ability to communicate highly practical tools for joyful living."
"Rev. Martha Creek has created a beautiful mark on my being. As I have had the honor of working with her over many years, I can hear her voice deep within as I move throughout various life situations. She has taught me how to focus my thoughts, to simplify and yet evaluate with depth and honest appraisal the inner messages being sent my way. I feel free to be myself in her presence and to explore without hesitation who I have come to this world to be. She encourages love in all forms and the exploration of a well lived life, facing every fear, turning every corner, and by all means, celebrating every moment."

Noell Rowan, PhD
Wilmington, NC

Martha Creek Testimonials

Noell Rowan, PhD
Wilmington, NC

"Rev. Martha Creek has created a beautiful mark on my being. As I have had the honor of working with her over many years, I can hear her voice deep within as I move throughout various life situations. She has taught me how to focus my thoughts, to simplify and yet evaluate with depth and honest appraisal the inner messages being sent my way. I feel free to be myself in her presence and to explore without hesitation who I have come to this world to be. She encourages love in all forms and the exploration of a well lived life, facing every fear, turning every corner, and by all means, celebrating every moment."
"Martha shares herself in a vulnerable, authentic manner through her first hand personal experiences, which allows us to foster a deeper experience of self realization. She creates an environment of love, trust and acceptance so each person feels safe to experiment with truth principles themselves. Martha is incredible and you will be blessed in her presence."

Rev. Felicia Searcy
Thousand Oaks, CA

Martha Creek Testimonials

Rev. Felicia Searcy
Thousand Oaks, CA

"Martha shares herself in a vulnerable, authentic manner through her first hand personal experiences, which allows us to foster a deeper experience of self realization. She creates an environment of love, trust and acceptance so each person feels safe to experiment with truth principles themselves. Martha is incredible and you will be blessed in her presence."
"One of the things I personally value most in Martha is her ability to be direct and honest in the most compassionate way, and she never presumes. She is a clear thinker, able to connect with her audience while being authentic and true to herself. She demonstrates openness and acceptance.

In the process of teaching, she is willing to learn in every moment. She certainly delivers lots of content and information, but she does it so that her readers and listeners can get it and internalize it. She engages innate wisdom and intelligence so that the learning is exponential. And she's funny! Her honesty helps us accept and laugh at our own absurdities."

Rev. Marty Newman
Unity Minister

Martha Creek Testimonials

Rev. Marty Newman
Unity Minister

"One of the things I personally value most in Martha is her ability to be direct and honest in the most compassionate way, and she never presumes. She is a clear thinker, able to connect with her audience while being authentic and true to herself. She demonstrates openness and acceptance. In the process of teaching, she is willing to learn in every moment. She certainly delivers lots of content and information, but she does it so that her readers and listeners can get it and internalize it. She engages innate wisdom and intelligence so that the learning is exponential. And she's funny! Her honesty helps us accept and laugh at our own absurdities."
"Whether it is as a teacher, trainer, leader, writer or in some other capacity, your experience of Martha Creek is certain to be sincere and filled with compassion, integrity, efficiency, knowledge and enthusiasm. Martha does not know how to do anything halfway, and her enthusiasm is contagious. She is a born leader and a powerful and knowledgeable business person. I have found her wisdom invaluable in my personal and professional life."

Lin Schussler-Williams
Louisville, KY

Martha Creek Testimonials

Lin Schussler-Williams
Louisville, KY

"Whether it is as a teacher, trainer, leader, writer or in some other capacity, your experience of Martha Creek is certain to be sincere and filled with compassion, integrity, efficiency, knowledge and enthusiasm. Martha does not know how to do anything halfway, and her enthusiasm is contagious. She is a born leader and a powerful and knowledgeable business person. I have found her wisdom invaluable in my personal and professional life."
"The highlight of our conference was Martha Creek. She is AMAZING! There was a heart-felt standing ovation — people were so touched and inspired by the quality of her teachings.

This is a sample of glowing remarks and feedback with comments about Martha, "The time just flew by", "I was on the edge of my seat the whole time!", "This was so valuable, it exceeded my expectations." "She is absolutely delightful!" "I appreciated how she stayed interactive throughout." "She is the most credible person I've ever heard on this topic."

What makes it so phenomenal is that Martha offers something that people need and want, in her down-home, and fun style. She models her teachings."

Rev. Susan EngPoole
Louisville, KY

Martha Creek Testimonials

Rev. Susan EngPoole
Louisville, KY

"The highlight of our conference was Martha Creek. She is AMAZING! There was a heart-felt standing ovation — people were so touched and inspired by the quality of her teachings. This is a sample of glowing remarks and feedback with comments about Martha, "The time just flew by", "I was on the edge of my seat the whole time!", "This was so valuable, it exceeded my expectations." "She is absolutely delightful!" "I appreciated how she stayed interactive throughout." "She is the most credible person I've ever heard on this topic." What makes it so phenomenal is that Martha offers something that people need and want, in her down-home, and fun style. She models her teachings."
"To have an experience of Martha is to let your heart sigh. Martha has the innate ability to hold your heart and sometimes your hand as she leads you back to yourself—your own wisdom—your own integrity. She does not pretend to be someone other than she is or to have all the answers, especially YOUR answers.

Martha goes to whatever extent, in her realm of possibilities, to cut thru the false belief systems that are holding any of us back from our own internal, divinely appointed freedom and she does this with the ease, grace and unconceivable love."

Diane Czerwonka, a life forever changed

Martha Creek Testimonials

Diane Czerwonka, a life forever changed

"To have an experience of Martha is to let your heart sigh. Martha has the innate ability to hold your heart and sometimes your hand as she leads you back to yourself—your own wisdom—your own integrity. She does not pretend to be someone other than she is or to have all the answers, especially YOUR answers. Martha goes to whatever extent, in her realm of possibilities, to cut thru the false belief systems that are holding any of us back from our own internal, divinely appointed freedom and she does this with the ease, grace and unconceivable love."
"If there is one thing you can do to create more joy and peace in your organization, it would be to bring Martha Creek to your people. Martha is gifted like few others are. She is funny, smart, and the most real person you'll ever meet. She motivates and inspires people to get real, look at things with fresh eyes, and find how empowered they already are.

In our church, the mere mention of her name causes people to light up and lighten up. She has helped me personally overcome so much stress in my life, and she has helped our leaders become more centered, more direct with each other, and more skillful at managing challenges. They already ask when she's coming back."

Rev. Elizabeth Mora

Martha Creek Testimonials

Rev. Elizabeth Mora

"If there is one thing you can do to create more joy and peace in your organization, it would be to bring Martha Creek to your people. Martha is gifted like few others are. She is funny, smart, and the most real person you'll ever meet. She motivates and inspires people to get real, look at things with fresh eyes, and find how empowered they already are.In our church, the mere mention of her name causes people to light up and lighten up. She has helped me personally overcome so much stress in my life, and she has helped our leaders become more centered, more direct with each other, and more skillful at managing challenges. They already ask when she's coming back."
"Her retreats are life-changing. Seriously!"

Beth C.

Martha Creek Testimonials

Beth C.

"Her retreats are life-changing. Seriously!"
"Martha, you are one of the strongest assets we have in the Unity movement today. Your development of leadership and health in our ministries is critical to who we are becoming. I have just attended two regional conferences and I can attest to how much respect and appreciation the movement holds for you. I am very grateful for you and I know I speak for countless others."

Rev. Patricia Bass
Unity Minister

Martha Creek Testimonials

Rev. Patricia Bass
Unity Minister

"Martha, you are one of the strongest assets we have in the Unity movement today. Your development of leadership and health in our ministries is critical to who we are becoming. I have just attended two regional conferences and I can attest to how much respect and appreciation the movement holds for you. I am very grateful for you and I know I speak for countless others."
"There are few people in my life, that when I meet them, I have an instant recognition of authenticity, depth of knowing and pure love. I call these people 'the real deal.' Martha is the real deal. If you have the opportunity to be in her orbit, I heartfully encourage you to give yourself the gift of Martha. Big love."

Rev. Jude Denning
Senior Minister, Unity of Stuart, FL

Martha Creek Testimonials

Rev. Jude Denning
Senior Minister, Unity of Stuart, FL

"There are few people in my life, that when I meet them, I have an instant recognition of authenticity, depth of knowing and pure love. I call these people 'the real deal.' Martha is the real deal. If you have the opportunity to be in her orbit, I heartfully encourage you to give yourself the gift of Martha. Big love."
"Martha continues to bring her considerable spiritual practice and profound experience into the teaching and facilitation of whatever she is doing! Martha is a blessing to any group or congregation."

Rev. Cynthia Alice Anderson (RCA)
Unity Minister

Martha Creek Testimonials

Rev. Cynthia Alice Anderson (RCA)
Unity Minister

"Martha continues to bring her considerable spiritual practice and profound experience into the teaching and facilitation of whatever she is doing! Martha is a blessing to any group or congregation."
"Martha Creek is the most authentic,100% real deal, walks her talk Spiritual Teacher & Leader I know. She is committed to her own spiritual evolution and leads others, including me, by example. Her passion to "serve those who serve" has been invaluable to me personally and professionally. Her influence on my journey has been a blessing to those I serve."

Rev. Ric Beattie
Senior Minister Unity of Royal Oak

Martha Creek Testimonials

Rev. Ric Beattie
Senior Minister Unity of Royal Oak

"Martha Creek is the most authentic,100% real deal, walks her talk Spiritual Teacher & Leader I know. She is committed to her own spiritual evolution and leads others, including me, by example. Her passion to "serve those who serve" has been invaluable to me personally and professionally. Her influence on my journey has been a blessing to those I serve."
"Unity on the Bay has a love affair with Martha Creek! It began many years ago when myself and some of our staff attended her program in Ft. Lauderdale. We were then privileged to have her spend a day with our Board and staff and another day with our congregation. Both experiences found us laughing at our shadows and crying in our love.

Her embracing yet confronting spirit has brought us deep inner growth and a greater bond of mutual respect and love. She has become an annual reward for us that we all look forward to."

Rev. Chris Jackson
Unity Minister

Martha Creek Testimonials

Rev. Chris Jackson
Unity Minister

"Unity on the Bay has a love affair with Martha Creek! It began many years ago when myself and some of our staff attended her program in Ft. Lauderdale. We were then privileged to have her spend a day with our Board and staff and another day with our congregation. Both experiences found us laughing at our shadows and crying in our love.Her embracing yet confronting spirit has brought us deep inner growth and a greater bond of mutual respect and love. She has become an annual reward for us that we all look forward to."
Martha Serves up a big heap of Love, Humor, Honesty, and the gift of her Being. She is real. When she speaks you know that this is who she is to the core. I have heard the sizzling and electrical energy in her voice, reaffirming the power within each one of us. Martha gently pushes and assures us that we can always begin again. With love and conviction, she'll say, "Get at it.”

Debra Madison

Martha Creek Testimonials

Debra Madison

Martha Serves up a big heap of Love, Humor, Honesty, and the gift of her Being. She is real. When she speaks you know that this is who she is to the core. I have heard the sizzling and electrical energy in her voice, reaffirming the power within each one of us. Martha gently pushes and assures us that we can always begin again. With love and conviction, she'll say, "Get at it.”
“Martha Creek offers wisdom and practical guidance based on her years of experience working with faith leaders, boards, and congregations. Martha is an accepting, realistic, and compassionate listener who is unfailingly responsive, kind, and loving. Since my ordination in 2019, Martha has been a calm, safe, and reassuring sounding board and resource for any questions I have.

She inspires, supports, and uplifts me in countless ways. With her gentle and often humorous recognition of "life on life's terms", she helps me to remember that in life, in people, in relationships, "everything is included". Nothing surprises her! Martha truly lives her mission "to serve those who serve", every day. Martha is a beautiful person who exudes love. Thank you, Martha. I respect and adore you!”

Rev. Rhona Segarra
Minister, Unity of New Westminster Spiritual Community in BC, Canada

Martha Creek Testimonials

Rev. Rhona Segarra
Minister, Unity of New Westminster Spiritual Community in BC, Canada

“Martha Creek offers wisdom and practical guidance based on her years of experience working with faith leaders, boards, and congregations. Martha is an accepting, realistic, and compassionate listener who is unfailingly responsive, kind, and loving. Since my ordination in 2019, Martha has been a calm, safe, and reassuring sounding board and resource for any questions I have. She inspires, supports, and uplifts me in countless ways. With her gentle and often humorous recognition of "life on life's terms", she helps me to remember that in life, in people, in relationships, "everything is included". Nothing surprises her! Martha truly lives her mission "to serve those who serve", every day. Martha is a beautiful person who exudes love. Thank you, Martha. I respect and adore you!”
Martha Creek Testimonials

Presence & Potential:

Experience Your Higher Self and Live in Wholeness

Every day during the month of February, I will be reading a chapter from my new book “Presence & Potential.” Subscribe to my channel and you will receive an email every day with a link to the daily reading.

Click here to watch the most current video.

A New Book from Martha Creek

Whether you lead in a family, church, office, neighborhood, corporation, or any group, this book provides a practical approach to the most common humanity dynamics.

Become better at regulating yourself, keeping a clear distinction between facts and feelings, and staying empowered in tense situations of any flavor.

In all areas of life and leadership, we create very new ways of being with self and others. This book is full of leadership materials from my lifetime of various sources, including Healthy Congregations, Inc., an organization whose focus is around growing thoughtful leaders.

Make no mistake, this is deep inner work. This deep work is known as The Greatest Adventure. It is filled with curiosity and wonder at the power we each have to create a fuller and satisfying life, a life where we are present to the now and at our highest emotional level. I invite you to join me on this adventure for yourself! (more...)

What People are saying about Presence & Potential

“Martha's book has hit both of us right between the eyes! Presence & Potential is one of the shortest and best self awareness and helpful books I have ever read. We will be rereading it over and over. The lessons are so spot on. I see why you have worked with Martha for all of this time, she is a marvelous teacher and person. I am blown away. Tom has been quite touched by it all too. There have been many times during the reading out loud of this little book that he has asked me to reread the line. He almost never does that.”
Mary & Tom 💞

Available on

To order an autographed copy, click here.
Also available by Martha Creek
Martha's Pearls: A Spiritual Approach to Life

Watch Martha

Don’t Let Spirituality Make Us Mean — SLC Troy

Fierce Self-Compassion — SLC Troy, Rev. Dr. Martha Creek

Debunking Myths of Self-Compassion — SLC Troy

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